Wet Me

[Hildegard of Bingen, 12th century German mystic, now saint and doctor of the church, called Christ the Green Man. This poem explores some of the implications of this statement.]

                        Wet Me

Creator God, wet me and green me.

Wet me in baptismal waters.

Green me in the veridity of your Spirit.

You, THE Christ, are THE Green Man.

You are the greening vine.

I AM the blossoming branch.

Creation flaring from the Cosmic Womb

Of  the Father-Mother, Creator God.

Life emerging and greening

Followed by death and rebirth

Of the Christ-Green-Man

Renewing all that is.

The Divine Spark fires deep down.

New life rises from the death cocoon.

Butterfly me!

Wet me!

Green me!

Heal me!

 © J. Patrick Mahon, 2012

Hildegard–Justice and Compassion

I am reading Matthew Fox’s new book, Hildegard of Bingen: A Saint for Our Times and I highly recommend it.  Hildegard (b. 1098) now joins Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, and Therese of Lisieux as a doctor in the church. I agree with Matt Fox. If the pope and his curia really understood Hildegard, they never would have elevated her to sainthood—maybe this is why it took eight centuries!

Hildegard wrote, drew mandalas, composed beautiful music (Listen to her Spiritus Sanctus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJEfyZSvg5c), and spoke truth to power, both secular and ecclesiastical leaders. Her writings indicate that she is indeed a saint for our time, truly a saint for our nation in 2012 amid the turmoil of a hotly contested election. Continue reading