Vatican II: Beyond Pietism

The Gospel reading from Matthew about building our houses on rock is about building our lives on sound doctrine. Today in the church various factions babble like Pilate, “What is truth?” What is sound doctrine? What exactly IS the Gospel of Jesus the Christ?

Vatican II Catholics feel more and more alienated from the church they have come to love—a church that is built on the Gospel of Nonviolence and justice. Many are voting with their feet. They just walk away and tell no one because they do not believe anyone cares or will listen. Knowing that pious practices are not sufficient for building a firm foundation, they seek a church that practices justice—right relationships—both within the church and in the larger world they embrace as Christians.

Conservative Catholics are reveling in their new found hold on doctrine and practice. Seeking certitude in a very uncertain world, they retreat to the pietism which characterized pre-Vatican “spirituality.” They are joyful to the point of ecstasy that the New Missal will restore dignity and mystery to the Mass. If they had their druthers they would have us all “worshipping” in Latin. Continue reading