What Age Are We Living In?

Dennis Hamm, S. J. has an informative reflection on leadership and power. He contrasts power in the empire to the power Jesus envisioned for the Kingdom


Just happens that my study of mythology led me to Hindu mythology from India. Indian mythology tends to view creation and destruction in cycles as alternating in the eternal cycle. History cycles through various ages. Professor Voth tells us:

The first age is always a golden age in which humans need no shelters; trees provide them with food and clothing and they don’t have to work for it. People are happy and they spend their time in meditation and observing dharma; dharma is that Hindi word that means do whatever is appropriate to your station in life. Continue reading

9/11: Remembered, Revisited, Redirected

Jesus is Lord!

The question of the week is, “Where were you on 9/11?” There is another question to be asked but we will hold that for a moment.

I had recently retired as a public school educator in Gwinnett County, Georgia and I was fortunate to get a post-retirement consultant’s job with a company in Cambridge, Massachusetts; however, I would be working with schools in Georgia. Having been offered the job, I was invited to a training session for all the company leadership and consultants in Boston. I boarded a Delta jet in Atlanta on 9/9/01. It is the only time I have been on a plane that was returned to the gate because of mechanical problems. Repairs were made and we took off for Boston. In hindsight, the delay may have been an omen of things to come. Continue reading